Monday, December 14, 2009

Current Events Dec 14

1. Rift in Rosaiah Cabinet widens as Ministers stand firm
Significance: After central gonvernment declared its decision regarding Telangana, MPs and MLAs has sent their resignation.Ministers hailing from coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions are opposing the decision of creating a separate Telangana State.

2. India will not compromise on key principles: Jairam
Significance:India is opposing Danish draft. This draft mandates all countries to cut emissions, agree to a peaking year and subject their mitigation actions to international scrutiny.

3. Dhanush missile test fired successfully

4. No constitutional crisis in State, says D. Srinivas

5. Congress ‘no’ to States Reorganisation Commission
Significance: With the initiation of process of creation of Telangana, there is increase in demands for creation of new states as Vidarbha, Harit Pradesh, Purvanchal, Bodoland, Gorkhaland.

6. China-Kazakhstan gas pipeline inaugurated

7. Capping nuclear liability is a non-starter

8. Seize the moment
Significance: A window of rare opportunity to break a 20-year-old cycle of violence in Jammu and Kashmir is presenting itself.

9. The grand challenges of Indian science

10. India's Generation Next at risk
Significance: Indias's poor areas are struck by problems of malnutrition, heath problems for children.Almost half (48%) of children under the age of five are stunted, or too short for their age, and 43% are underweight, according to the National Family Health Survey of 2005-06 (NFHS-3).

11. Fasting - still a powerful weapon of protest

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