Thursday, December 24, 2009

Current Events Dec 24

1. Wide-ranging consultations needed on Telangana: Centre
Significance: With the protests rising against dividing Andhra Pradesh, the central government is rethinking its decision of forming Telangana.

2. Outcome good, but not adequate: Pachauri
Significance: Pachauri, from TERI analyses the outcome of the Copenhagen Climate Accord.

3. Leave it to J&K people to decide on Article 370: Working Group
Significance: Article 370 specifies that except for Defence, Foreign Affairs and Communications,(matters specified in the instrument of accession) the Indian Parliament needs the State Government's concurrence for applying all other laws. Thus the state's residents lived under a separate set of laws, including those related to citizenship, ownership of property, and fundamental rights, as compared to other Indians.

4. Poets dominate 2009 Sahitya Akademi Awards

5. Bifurcate Home Ministry, says Chidambaram
Significance: With the vulnurabilities of Indian internal security exposed in different terror attacks, Chindambaram proposes Home Ministry to concentrate on the issue of internal security.

6. Russia to help India build manned spaceship

7. Receding hopes
Significance: The editorial talks about the negotiations at World Trade Organisation and the lack of progress over the issues of multi lateral negotiations.

8. GST will reduce tax burden by 25-30 %

9. Iran's President Ahmadinejad mocks Obama

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