Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Current Events Jan 20

1. China for “constructive measures” to ease tensions
Significance: India and China need to solve the boundary dispute, dispute related to balance of trade to normalise their relations.

2. Murthy first cinematographer to win Phalke award

3. Google’s Internet bus begins its one-month tour of Rajasthan

4. India to emerge as global renewable energy powerhouse
Significace: As India looks for sources beyond oil and gas, a potential of around 1,00,000 MW has been identified from wind, biomass and small hydro sources.Recently India has launched Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission has set an electricity production target of 20,000 MW by 2022. Biomass, which is a Carbon neutral fuel source, has potential to yield 16,000 MW of power. Small hydro projects of less than 25 MW capacity can generate 15,000 MW.

5. Malaysia and the growing importance of India

6. Spy versus cyber spy
Siginficance: The issue analyses the need for internet and cyber security and the laws in India.

7. A small beginning
Significance: The government’s decision to withdraw recognition of as many as 44 deemed or autonomous universities is first step to revitalise the higher education system in India as emphisised by Yashpal committee.

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