Wednesday, August 25, 2010

GS Test IX

Target 2011
GS Test Series
Test IX

Time: 3 Hours

Q.1. Answer the following questions (in about 250 words each) 30x6=180
(1) Critically analyze the social forestry programme.

(2) Explain the factors which led to decline in India’s biodiversity.

(3) Give an account of natural vegetation of India.

(4) Preamble to India’s constitution reflects aims and aspirations of our fathers’ of nation. Comment.

(5) Explain the philosophy as enshrined in preamble of constitution.

(6) “We have not yet achieved the objectives set by Preamble.” Do you agree?

Q.2. Answer the following questions (in about 150 words each) 15×6=90

(1) Explain the measures taken for wildlife conservation in India.

(2) Distinguish between Biosphere Reserves, National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries.

(3) State the features of Indian constitution.

(4) Basic philosophy of Preamble is driven by conditions of Indian life in 1945s.

(5) “We have not yet achieved the objectives set by Preamble.” Do you agree? (Repeat question. Reframe according the word limit.)

(6) Discuss the significance of Preamble.

Q.3. Write about the following (not exceeding 30 words each) 3×5=15

(1) Is Preamble part of constitution?
(2) Fraternity
(3) Sovereignty
(4) Difference between Union and Territory
(5) Secularism

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