Tuesday, September 28, 2010

History Test X

Target 2011
History Test Series
Test X

Marks: 300 Time: 3 Hours

1. Comment on the any six of the following statements in about 200 words each: 20×6=120

a) Reign of Jalalludin Khalji was a turning point in the history of Sultanate.

b) “Success of Allauddin Khalji’s reign lays in his strong personality and unparalleled ambition.”

c) “Firozshah Tughlaq’s measures made his subjects happy, but weakened the foundations of Sultanate”

d) “Delhi Sultanate was a theocratic state.”

e) Guru Nanak was the most popular of medieval Bhakti reformers.

f) There is no real difference between Bhakti and Sufi philosophies.

g) Mohammad Bin Tughlaq was much ahead of his times.

h) Firozshah Tughlaq believed in the concept of welfare state.

2. a) Discuss the nature of state during Sultanate period. 30

b) What is Iqta System? Discuss its significance. 30

3. a) What is the impact of Sufi and Bhakti movements. 30

b) Write a note on Khalsa Panth. 30

4. a) Write a short essay on Saint Kabir’s life. 30

b) Examine the experiments of Mohammad Bin Tughlaq. 30

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