Wednesday, August 11, 2010

GS Test 8

Target 2011
GS Test Series

Time: 3 Hours

Q1. Answer the following questions.

(1) Compare between Himalayan and Peninsular river systems. (15 marks)

(2) Why West Coast Rivers do not form deltas? (10 Marks)

(3) Discuss the origin of Indian Monsoon. (15 Marks)

(4) Bring out the relation between Indian Monsoon and Tibetan Plateau. (10 Marks)

(5) Give an account of local winds of India.(10 Marks)

Q.2. Write short essays on the following issues. (In about 150 words each): 15 Marks each
(1) Measure changes being proposed in rape law

(2) Need of Women reservation bill

(3) Impact of proposed reservation model of women’s reservation bill on women empowerment

(4) Impact of proposed reservation model of women’s reservation bill on India’s political system

(5) My model draft for Women reservation Bill

Q.3. Answer the following questions. (In about 250 words each): 30 Marks each

(1) “Indian society is a progressive society”. Discuss.

(2) Suggest measures to improve road safety in India cities.

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