Tuesday, August 17, 2010

History Test VI

Target 2011
History Test Series
Test VI

Within 3 hours try to attempt as many questions as possible.

1. Write short essays in not more than 200 words each on the following: 20 each
a) Gupta Administration as a model for Medieval Administration
b) Traits of decentralization observed in Gupta Administration
c) Significance of Land Grants
d) Social Development during Gupta Period
e) Economic Development during Gupta Period
f) Religious Development during Gupta Period
g) Significance of first battle of Panipat
h) Baburnama
i) Sulh-i-kul
j) Tauhid-i-Ilahi

2. Answer the following in not more than 300 words each on the following: 30 each
a) Form the estimate of Babur’s personality.
b) Form the estimate of Humayun’s personality.
c) Explain Mughal emperors’ concept of Monarchy.
d) Discuss Akbar’s Religio-political outlook.
e) ‘Religious policy of Akabar is mix of his legacy, milieu and his personality’. Comment.
f) ‘Aurangzeb was a bigoted king’. Do you agree?
g)’Religious policy of Akbar was that of complete toleration’. Critically analyze the statement.

3. Explain the features of Administration of Guptas. 60

4. Trace the process of Akbar’s conquest of India. 60

5. Trace the transformation of religious policies under Mughal Emperor’s from Babur to Aurangzeb. 60

6. ‘Aurangzeb changed Akabar’s religious policy upside down’. Do you agree? 60

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