Wednesday, August 25, 2010

GS Test IX

Target 2011
GS Test Series
Test IX

Time: 3 Hours

Q.1. Answer the following questions (in about 250 words each) 30x6=180
(1) Critically analyze the social forestry programme.

(2) Explain the factors which led to decline in India’s biodiversity.

(3) Give an account of natural vegetation of India.

(4) Preamble to India’s constitution reflects aims and aspirations of our fathers’ of nation. Comment.

(5) Explain the philosophy as enshrined in preamble of constitution.

(6) “We have not yet achieved the objectives set by Preamble.” Do you agree?

Q.2. Answer the following questions (in about 150 words each) 15×6=90

(1) Explain the measures taken for wildlife conservation in India.

(2) Distinguish between Biosphere Reserves, National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries.

(3) State the features of Indian constitution.

(4) Basic philosophy of Preamble is driven by conditions of Indian life in 1945s.

(5) “We have not yet achieved the objectives set by Preamble.” Do you agree? (Repeat question. Reframe according the word limit.)

(6) Discuss the significance of Preamble.

Q.3. Write about the following (not exceeding 30 words each) 3×5=15

(1) Is Preamble part of constitution?
(2) Fraternity
(3) Sovereignty
(4) Difference between Union and Territory
(5) Secularism

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

History Test VII

Target 2011
History Test Series
Test VII

Candidates should attempt Question No. 1 and 5 which are compulsory and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from each Section.
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question. Answer should be precise and to the point.

Marks:300 Time: 3 Hours

Section – A (Modern world)

1. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each: 20×3=60

a) “The war made possible for us the solution of a whole series of problems that could never have been solved in normal times”. (Joseph Paul Goebbels)

b) “In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn't speak up because I was a protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me.”

c) “Fascist revolutions in Post War Europe should be termed as counter revolution.”

d) “To a larger majority he was simply a strong leader with many good ideas that could have made a better world for all, but he went too far causing war and murdering millions of Jews.” (About Hitler)

2. a) Discuss the emergence of fascism in Germany in post World War I period. 30

b) Discuss the emergence of fascism in Italy in post World War I period. 30

3. a) Estimate the personality of Hitler. 30

b) Why world leaders of Post War Europe neglected Hitler’s rise? 30

4. a) What is Fascism? What are its features? 30

b) Examine the peace keeping efforts of the United Nations Organization. 30

Section – B (Medieval India)

5. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each: 20×3=60

a) “Akbar is remembered by both Eastern and Western historians as one of the most enlightened rulers of the medieval ages”.

b) “Akbar’s Rajput Policy represents an enlightened self interest”.

c) “Akbar was the true nationalist ruler of India.”

d) “Raja Todarma’s Zabti system has many drawbacks.”

6. a) Give an account of Mansabdari System under the Mughal rule. 30

b) Give an account of Jagirdari System under the Mughal rule. 30

7. a) Write a note on land revenue system of Mughals. 30

b) Write a note on Abul Fazl. 30

8. a) Explain the features of Rajput Policy of Akbar. What changes were made by Aurangzeb? 30

b) Examine the role of Rajputs in the growth and consolidation of Mughal rule. 30

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

History Test VI

Target 2011
History Test Series
Test VI

Within 3 hours try to attempt as many questions as possible.

1. Write short essays in not more than 200 words each on the following: 20 each
a) Gupta Administration as a model for Medieval Administration
b) Traits of decentralization observed in Gupta Administration
c) Significance of Land Grants
d) Social Development during Gupta Period
e) Economic Development during Gupta Period
f) Religious Development during Gupta Period
g) Significance of first battle of Panipat
h) Baburnama
i) Sulh-i-kul
j) Tauhid-i-Ilahi

2. Answer the following in not more than 300 words each on the following: 30 each
a) Form the estimate of Babur’s personality.
b) Form the estimate of Humayun’s personality.
c) Explain Mughal emperors’ concept of Monarchy.
d) Discuss Akbar’s Religio-political outlook.
e) ‘Religious policy of Akabar is mix of his legacy, milieu and his personality’. Comment.
f) ‘Aurangzeb was a bigoted king’. Do you agree?
g)’Religious policy of Akbar was that of complete toleration’. Critically analyze the statement.

3. Explain the features of Administration of Guptas. 60

4. Trace the process of Akbar’s conquest of India. 60

5. Trace the transformation of religious policies under Mughal Emperor’s from Babur to Aurangzeb. 60

6. ‘Aurangzeb changed Akabar’s religious policy upside down’. Do you agree? 60

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

GS Test 8

Target 2011
GS Test Series

Time: 3 Hours

Q1. Answer the following questions.

(1) Compare between Himalayan and Peninsular river systems. (15 marks)

(2) Why West Coast Rivers do not form deltas? (10 Marks)

(3) Discuss the origin of Indian Monsoon. (15 Marks)

(4) Bring out the relation between Indian Monsoon and Tibetan Plateau. (10 Marks)

(5) Give an account of local winds of India.(10 Marks)

Q.2. Write short essays on the following issues. (In about 150 words each): 15 Marks each
(1) Measure changes being proposed in rape law

(2) Need of Women reservation bill

(3) Impact of proposed reservation model of women’s reservation bill on women empowerment

(4) Impact of proposed reservation model of women’s reservation bill on India’s political system

(5) My model draft for Women reservation Bill

Q.3. Answer the following questions. (In about 250 words each): 30 Marks each

(1) “Indian society is a progressive society”. Discuss.

(2) Suggest measures to improve road safety in India cities.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Target 2011
GS Test Series
Test VII

Time: 3 Hours

Q1. Answer the following questions. (In about 150 words each): 15 marks each

(1) Explain India’s vulnerability to Climate Change.

(2) What is the dilemma created by Climate Change for developing countries?

(3) Throw light on India’s stand on Climate Change in the global arena.

(4) State objectives of India’s foreign policy.

(5) Explain the basic principles of India’s foreign policy.

(6) Trace the evolution of India’s foreign policy after independence.

(7) Why Khap Panchayats were in news recently?

Q.2. Answer the following questions. (In about 250 words each): 30 marks each

(1) Criticize India’s foreign policy.

(2) Suggest changes you want to see in India’s foreign policy.

(3) Do you think that cast census must be carried out in India?

(4) Elaborate the role played by India in India’s democracy.

Q.3. Answer the following in not more than 20 words. 2 marks each
(1) Climate Change

(2) National Solar Mission.

(3) Gujaral Doctrine

(4) Look East Policy

(5) Panchasheel

(6) Simala Pact

(7) India USA Relations

History Test V

Target 2011
History Test Series
Test V

Within 3 hours try to attempt as many questions as possible.

1. Write short essays in not more than 200 words each on the following: 20 each
a) Post Maurya Age period as ‘Golden Age’ of Ancient India
b) Economic condition during Post Mauryan period.
c) Mauryan period as a turning point in the history of India
d) Mahayan Sect of Buddhism
e) Impact of Central Asian Contact
f) Social Development during Post Maurya Period
g) Guild System
h) Trade routes in Post Maurya Period
i) Origins of Cold War
j) Factors responsible for end of Cold War
k) Different aspects of Cold War
l) USA’s responsibility in the rise and growth of Cold War
m) Cold War and happenings in Europe
n) Impact of Cold War